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Eat for nourishment AND pleasure...
no matter your size!

Image by American Heritage Chocolate

Sound familiar?

You’ve tried endless diets and restrictions to try to lose weight and “get healthy”, but end up feeling like a failure when you can’t stick to them.


You’re constantly worried about what you “should” and “shouldn’t” eat, only to end up feeling unsatisfied, deprived, or guilty.


You’ve struggled your whole life with feeling “not good enough”, trying to change your body as a way to feel worthy. 


You want to accept and love your body, but you don’t know where to start.

If you can relate to any of these situations, my services are right for you!

After working with me, you'll feel...

What I DON'T do

  • Tell you to lose weight

  • Provide meal plans

  • Set rigid "rules"

  • Track or count calories/macros/points

  • Judge your food choices

  • Make you feel bad about your body

  • Make you feel like you've "failed" if you weren't "perfect" (there is no perfect!)

What I DO

  • Try to understand your unique circumstances and lived experiences

  • Help you understand the complex factors influencing your body size 

  • Help you develop skills to listen to your body's wisdom

  • Help you nourish your body AND soul

  • Help you let go of restrictions and embrace all foods

  • Help you see that your body size does not dictate your worth

Models in Bodysuits

You already have the knowledge.
Your body already has the wisdom.

I can help you trust yourself.


Hi, I'm Kyla!

I know it can be intimidating talking to someone about your food and body. Rest assured, I offer a safe, non-judgmental space to have vulnerable conversations. Learn more about me and my approach here.


Feel free to connect with me about any questions you have! 


Nutrition and Body
Counselling Services

Choose the package that's right for you!

Round Chocolate Truffle

Journey to Loving Your Food 

With this package, you'll learn:

  • Practical nutrition knowledge and skills that will help you achieve adequate nourishment 

  • How to shift your mindset from deprivation and shame to enjoyment and pleasure

  • How to integrate mindful and intuitive eating principles into your everyday routine


This package includes: 

  • 1 x 75 minute initial consultation

  • 2 x 45 minute follow-up consultations

  • Lifetime access to the Body Love community forum

  • Unlimited messaging support for the duration of the package (3 months)

  • Handouts and templates to guide your learning and progress



Happy woman rolling out fitness mat on floor at home. Body positive female in sportswear u

Journey to Loving Your Body 

With this package, you'll learn:

  • How to integrate mindful and intuitive eating principles into your everyday routine

  • What has been holding you back from truly caring for yourself and your body

  • How to foster a positive relationship with your body and your sense of self-worth


This package includes: 

  • 1 x 75 minute initial consultation

  • 4 x 45 minute follow-up consultations

  • Lifetime access to the Body Love community forum

  • Unlimited messaging support for the duration of the package (4 months)

  • Handouts and templates to guide your learning and progress



Not sure yet?

No problem! There are lots of ways to follow my work and see if my approach is right for you!


Common Questions

What is a Registered Dietitian?

A Registered Dietitian (RD) is a healthcare professional specializing in nutrition. RDs help you understand how food and nutrition supports your health and wellbeing. I take things a step further - I don't just provide you with information, I provide nutrition and body image counselling to support how you care for yourself and your body. 


Who are your services for?

Basically...anyone! If you want to learn about long-term sustainable nutrition habits and skills that help you reach your health and wellness goals, my services are for you! My services are not for you if you're looking for meal plans, quick-fix tips, or weight loss as your main outcome.


I don't focus on the management of any specific health conditions, but we can absolutely still work together if you do have health concerns. I have experience in managing diabetes, dyslipidemia (high cholesterol), hypertension (high blood pressure), polycystic ovarian syndrome, chronic kidney disease, fatty liver disease, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, food intolerance, and more. Many of the principles I use have been shown to improve these types of conditions.


I do work with individuals experiencing disordered eating, or are in the recovery/relapse prevention phase of an eating disorder. I cannot offer intensive eating disorders treatment, as this requires a higher level of care than I can provide. If you're not sure, contact me and we can discuss options.


What should I expect?

First we will schedule a free discovery call to discuss the details of my services. If you decide to purchase a package, you will pay for and book your sessions through my Practice Better client management portal, which is secure and PHIPA-compliant. Before your first consultation you will review my Client Agreement form, and complete my Client Questionnaire which helps me get to know you and your circumstances better. Then we will hold our initial consultation where we will discuss your goals and begin our work together! 


Do I have to book a discovery call? 

A discovery call is not mandatory, but it can be a good way to make sure my services are right for you before you purchase a package. If you are certain that you want to purchase my services without having a discovery call, you can contact me to arrange. 


If I book a discovery call, am I committed to purchasing a package?

Not at all! A discovery call is a chance for us to discuss what you're looking for. It's to make sure what I offer will meet your needs, and that we're a good "fit". No strings attached! 


Where are you located?

I am based out of Peterborough, Ontario, but I can work with anyone across the province by phone or video call. If you live in the region and would prefer to attend sessions in-person, contact me for details.


Are you covered by OHIP?

Unfortunately, no. Private practice dietitians like myself charge a fee for service. Some private health insurance coverage does include dietitian services. If you have health benefits that include dietitian services, I can provide you with an itemized receipt to submit to your provider. I do not offer direct billing at this time. 

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