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My Philosophy

Your body is worthy. Your food is worthy. YOU ARE WORTHY. 

For the love of food

Food - all food - is incredible. When we approach food from the belief that there is no “wrong” way to eat - and that food has so much meaning and importance aside from just nutrients - then we can appreciate and enjoy ALL foods. I will NEVER tell you that a food you love is “unhealthy”. I will NEVER tell you that a food item from your culture is bad or wrong or should be avoided. Instead, let’s celebrate all the incredible nourishment AND sensory enjoyment, social connection, and cultural significance that food provides us.

Three Flavours of Ice Cream

For the love of bodies

Bodies are incredible things. Not only are they the most complex, fascinating, wondrous machines on earth, they also make us…human. Our bodies are what makes us, US. Not because of our looks or size, but because they are there with us through everything! Every smell and taste, every beautiful song, every piece of information, every human touch, every movement, we experience through our magnificent body.

Sadly, many of us don't have that positive, pleasurable view of our bodies. It may be because you've been taught that your body is not good enough, or because you feel unsafe in it or disconnected from it. I see you. Let’s reconnect to our bodies, our homes.

For the love of humans

Every person - everyBODY - has a fundamental right to dignity and autonomy, regardless of their size, skin colour, gender, sexuality, or physical ability. I probably don’t have to tell you that there are many social structures, customs, and beliefs that stand in the way of those rights. Fighting back against that oppression starts with dismantling embedded beliefs within ourselves. You’re not alone on this journey.

Happy multi-ethnic mothers with postpartum bodies holding their babies. Three women with t

These are the philosophies I use to guide the work I do as an Intuitive Eating Dietitian and Body Liberation Coach

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